We arrived in Yuma, Az on Tuesday with a new GPS unit guiding us along the way. Cheryl went to KMart in Lake Havasu and bought a Magellan to guide us along the way, but this one didn't reconginze where we were and told us that the RV park that was next door to us was 3.6 miles away. Needless to say, it was returned. Now, we have another Garmin that we bought at Staples. It's not named Ethel, this one is Sammy.
Yesterday, we took a little side trip to San Luis Colorado in Mexico. We kept hearing about all the Americans and Canadians that go there for dentisty or prescriptions. I coudn't figure out where they all were. We were the only "Anglos" there. Come to find out, it was the wrong town and nobody goes there due to the dangerous conditions. We should have gone to Algadones which is across the California border and 5 miles south to Andrade, Ca and walked across. We will do that tomorrow and see what it is all about.
On the drive south from Lake Havasu to Yuma, we noticed a lot of RV resorts along the Colorado River in and around Parkerr, Az. It looks like a real interesting place and we will put it on our "to do " list for next winter.
The RV park that we are in is close to the freeway for easy access. www.shagrilarv.com. Nice friendly people here, and they even brought us a Thanksgiving 'goodie" basket yesterday.
We will look for a nice buffet restuarant for Thanksgiving dinner later today and maybe explore the surrounding area or just relax and watch a little football and nap the afternoon away.
I haven't figured out how to place a photo is the appropriate spot, but the one above is from San Luis Colorado.
More to come.
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