What a wonderful day. I learned who has the best gold prices, the best silver prices, the best dentists, the best optomotrists, who has the best prices on trinkets of all kinds, the best prices on pottery and who offered the best food. Moments after we crossed the border into Mexico, we were inudated with offers for dentistry, glasses and souveniers. We did learn that you don't pay the asking price but bargain with the sellers. We did purchase a few things, but not until we had pretty much toured the 4 block area, including alleys and back streets. We pretty much just smiled and said "no thank you" and tried not to be rude NorteAmericanos.
We had a wonderful lunch at Papalos and listened to a one man Mariachi band. Actually, he was pretty darn good. I tried to get a video, but it didn't come out too well, so it got trashcanned.
If there is one dentist in Los Alodones, there are 200. And the same for pharmacias and eye doctors. The lines in the pharmacies were long with a lot of Canadians and Americans with their bottles of prescription medicines to be refilled at bargain prices. We visited with one couple that had their eyes examined ($10) and went back in 2 hours and picked up their glasses for less than $100 each and that included designer frames.
When it was time to return to the US, we joined the long line and slowly snaked along until we got to the US Border. Our wait wasn't too bad, only 45 minutes. But during the height of the snowbird season, we were told the lines could be up to 3 hours before you get back to the states.
All in all, it was a fun day and we will go back the next time we are in the area.
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