Tonite we're parked in Jamestown, Nd at a funky little RV Park. The good news, is that this morning when I started the coach, the air pressure gauge was working and seemed to work all the way here. The jury is still out on that. When we arrived, and lowered the jacks and extended the slides, we noticed a puddle of hydraulic oil under the pump and solenoids. I called Coachnet right away and they found a tech that thought he could help us. After a few trial and errors, we managed to get the jacks in a safe travel position. The slides were a different story. He called HWH (the slide manufacturer) and finally got a tech to call us back. In just a matter of a few minutes, he was able to bypass the shuttle valve and now the slides will work, but we can't use the jacks until we get to the FMCA rally in Madison, Wi and get a new shuttle valve installed. The perils of motorhoming.
But, on the bright side, we got the laundry done, the Honda washed and waxed and went and saw the worlds largest Buffalo. The live buffalo herd was down in the ravines in the trees keeping cool and didn't venture out.
Tomorrow, we will head towards Munich, ND to see Buster. Trying to find an RV park or campground was virtually impossible. We will be staying out in the country around Misawaukeen(sp) The have 9 spots on their farm place with full hookups. We'll still be an hour plus from Buster, but that's what the little car is for.
More later